P.O. Box 11005, Las Vegas, Nevada 89111-1005 United States
4.5 / 5
Overall Impression
Waiting Comfort:5 / 5
Cleanliness:3 / 5
Waiting Time:3 / 5
Please note that everyone has different experiences and comfort standards. We use maximally averaged values
23 minutes
average time to city center
approximate taxi fare
Key Details
✔ Art objects
✔ ATMs
✔ Family facilities
✔ Power outlets and charging
✔ Children's playground
✔ Cafes and snacks
✔ Information desks
✔ Storage lockers
✔ Pharmacy
✔ Currency exchange
✔ Police station
✔ Showers
✔ Smoking room
✔ WiFi
Transport Options from the Airport
To city center:
10 minutes
To city center:
26 minutes
To city center:
35 minutes
Here you can view photos and read traveler reviews about Mc Carran International Airport in Las Vegas. Learn all ways to reach Mc Carran International Airport, check airport cleanliness, available entertainment and queue lengths.