Entertainment Quality: 2 / 5
Bandar Seri Begawan in Prices & Facts
$3 $2.96
Quick Lunch for One
$1.1 $1.11
Public Transport Ride
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Bandar Seri Begawan Airports
Bandar Seri Begwan International Airport / BWN
Tourist Reviews
All photos and texts belong to their authors
« This museum-exhibition is simply stunning, boasting a blend of luxury and beauty, where you can sometimes wander and admire genuine masterpieces.
Upon entering, you must remove your shoes and leave all bags, phones, and cameras outside, as photography is not allowed. But it's absolutely worth it! 👌🏼
You definitely have to visit this place. »
Upon entering, you must remove your shoes and leave all bags, phones, and cameras outside, as photography is not allowed. But it's absolutely worth it! 👌🏼
You definitely have to visit this place. »