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Seasons and Weather in Beijing

Beijing Weather by Month

Monthly average weather statistics directly from scientific weather stations

Pink LineDaytime Average Temperature

Blue LineNighttime Average Temperature

Average temperature is for reference, actual temperature at a specific hour may vary significantly from the average, both higher and lower

Detailed Monthly Weather Overview

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Weather Reviews from Social Media

All photos and texts belong to their authors
« Well, the New Year holidays in China have come to an end. 😔 This time in Beijing, the holiday spirit was a bit subdued, as there were restrictions on gatherings. Although they had their festive meals before, it's hard to feel the celebration without them.

On the bright side, the streets smell like spring! 🌸 After spending four winters in China, we have established one immutable law: spring begins right after the Chinese New Year! »
« Hello everyone! I just want to escape the cold winter of Beijing. Winter in Beijing is definitely not a pleasant experience. Surrounded by high mountains on three sides, the cold winter winds can be quite relentless, creating a biting chill. The wind is constant, sharp, strong, and cutting right through you.

During this time, it’s hard to think about the warm countries in Southeast Asia. This year, we chose Thailand with its famous island of Phuket. Just recently, I was curious why everyone loves it so much? I still haven't found the answer to that question.

But a thought crossed my mind: could I potentially live in a place where it’s summer all year round??? Perhaps it would be wonderful to escape seasonal changes, avoiding the autumn fade and the spring revival. However, when I return to windy Beijing, my perspective might shift... Would you really be able to live in eternal summer???? 🌞🌴 »
« Amazing Great Wall of China!!! Cold was intense! But we made it!!! We managed to climb it! This is something grandiose! Experiencing this cold atmosphere is incredible!!! »
« Autumn in China. The leaves are still green here; they haven't quite turned yellow yet. I couldn't help myself and ended up dancing on one leg, but I still didn't reach the ground... 😅 »
« Today, Beijing was incredibly gloomy, cold, and rainy 😩 It seems like the clouds were getting their revenge after clearing up for two days before the arrival of the top leaders 😂 By the way, they’re broadcasting the parade in honor of Victory Day over Japan from September 3, 1945 in every single metro car 💪
And it's time for me to head home 😋 NYC, here I come! 😚 »
« Always overcast Beijing. Sometimes you need a place that nobody knows about. »
« Hello everyone from the capital of the Celestial Empire, China! It's sunny here, with occasional rain. Everything would be great if it weren't for internet censorship. »
« In China, there are all sorts of creatures everywhere, driving away the rain and grayness, which is why it’s +35 and S-U-N-S-H-I-N-E! 🌞 »
« The weather in Beijing has been incredible for several days now. No smog, folks. »
« The time difference is less than 10 hours, but today everyone is really happy to see the blue sky and sunshine))) »
« I like China, but I definitely couldn't live there, and not just because the south is currently sweltering with humidity and temperatures reaching nearly 100°F until September. Google, YouTube, and Instagram are also blocked there. »

Learn About Beijing’s Weather and Seasons: When to Visit, High and Low Season, and the Best Time to Go.