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Seasons and Weather in Vientiane

Vientiane Weather by Month

Monthly average weather statistics directly from scientific weather stations

Pink LineDaytime Average Temperature

Blue LineNighttime Average Temperature

Average temperature is for reference, actual temperature at a specific hour may vary significantly from the average, both higher and lower

Detailed Monthly Weather Overview

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Weather Reviews from Social Media

All photos and texts belong to their authors
« In such sweltering heat like this week, there’s no coolness even from ads featuring icy bottles of Coke. Thanks to the photo studio for the cool lighting; otherwise, a heat stroke would have been unavoidable! »
« Hooray sunshine! Everyone outside, it's warmer out there than in the house! :)) »
« Today it has "cooled down." Alice is under the blanket with a heating pad, and Marsik and I are nearby to keep warm. That's winter in Laos :) »
« There was just a little rain, but it was enough to make everything green and bloom. Come on, rain! 🌧️🌸 »
« Another delight is the rain! This year there has been very little, everything is dry. 40/100 »
« It started raining at sunset! Hooray! I said in the morning that I wanted rain! »
« After a long hot day, the rain falls, the flowers are happy, and so am I. 🌧️🌸😊 »
« Berry season has arrived☺️. It's nice in Laos during the winter! »
« It seems like the rain is starting ☁☔ a view from above ) »
« A bit of Vientiane in my feed. By the way, there’s none of that crazy humidity here like in Thailand; it’s fresher and cooler. In the evening, it’s around 73°F, and the riverside is simply magical. It feels like I’m breathing for the first time. In Hua Hin, for instance, it's always stuffy and there's a lack of fresh air. 🌴✨ »
« Vientiane welcomed us with some rain, starting off gently and then turning into a proper tropical downpour. It's an amazing blend of Europe and Asia, and the first impression is really pleasant. »

Learn About Vientiane’s Weather and Seasons: When to Visit, High and Low Season, and the Best Time to Go.