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Seasons and Weather in Caticlan

Caticlan Weather by Month

Monthly average weather statistics directly from scientific weather stations

Pink LineDaytime Average Temperature

Blue LineNighttime Average Temperature

Average temperature is for reference, actual temperature at a specific hour may vary significantly from the average, both higher and lower

Detailed Monthly Weather Overview

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Weather Reviews from Social Media

All photos and texts belong to their authors
« Siesta - a fantastic way to escape the heat. Of course, siestas started to appear along with the Spaniards, for whom a couple of hours in the early afternoon have become almost sacred. In the Philippines, son takes prime time from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM - this is practically a necessity for life. At this time, the sun shines relentlessly with all its might. Taking a nap during the hottest hours, curled up on the bed - seems like a brilliant idea to me! 😊 »
« Yesterday's sunset. 🌅 It seemed like there was a bit of sun, but then the rain came. While we were looking for a place to enjoy some tasty mango, coffee, and ice cream, it started pouring again. 😢 I was supposed to spend the next 10 days on the balcony of my apartment, and according to the weather forecast, it looks like this will continue for the next week. ⛈️ The internet says it usually rains around two days in February here. I just want the sea and some sun! »
« It was a really strong storm, we even had to cancel our trip to the island, but now everything is back to normal, and I'm soaking up the sun ☀️ »
« The colors of nature here are simply stunning!! Just a few minutes of waiting, and the color of the sea doesn’t change, a few minutes of sun!!! 🌊🌞 »
« The sun was setting at Boracay! 🌅 It’s true, the locals say there’s a new typhoon expected in the coming days. Fingers crossed it doesn’t come through; I really want to enjoy my time here without any disturbances! »
« B-blazhenstvo!
I want to say one thing, the weather in Boracay is completely unpredictable. Just yesterday it was pouring rain, forcing us to stay indoors, but today it’s shining and radiating sunshine, leaving a beautiful tan on my skin 😍. »
« Today I strolled around the island, the weather was warm at 28°C, but there were some clouds and a few rain showers ☔. However, it didn't bother us; on the contrary, it was quite pleasant and very comfortable. »
« "We prayed for good weather and it happened! Today is just incredible!" »
« It turns out that the rainy season in Boracay is not only not scary at all, but also stunningly beautiful.. such a wonderful sight can be seen almost every night. We haven't seen rain on the island itself yet. 🌧️🌈 »
« Happy to head back, we bought a cap and a hat, love the sea, so there will be plenty of photos with the ocean. It's 34 degrees here, there's a nice breeze and awesome waves) I'll show you D'mall later) »
« It's stormy here a bit! That means it's time to swim in the rain! :) »
« It's 50 degrees outside ☀️☀️☀️ The heat is unreal, both during the day and at night. It feels like a sauna. We usually get around by car, but today we decided to switch it up and actually walk through the streets) We didn't take the car at all. We're escaping the sun with quick dashes from one hotel to another ) »
« In the Philippines, it's off-season now: the beaches are empty of tourists, quiet and serene, and there's plenty of fresh fruit. The weather averages around 91°F with some rain, and yes, there’s a bit of rain, maybe just a few drops each day. At night, we swim in the empty panoramic pool, as if it's our own ☺️ Overall, there's really no need for you to come here at this time; we’re quite happy enjoying it alone. »

Learn About Caticlan’s Weather and Seasons: When to Visit, High and Low Season, and the Best Time to Go.