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Seasons and Weather in Koh Samui

Koh Samui Weather by Month

Monthly average weather statistics directly from scientific weather stations

Pink LineDaytime Average Temperature

Blue LineNighttime Average Temperature

Average temperature is for reference, actual temperature at a specific hour may vary significantly from the average, both higher and lower

Detailed Monthly Weather Overview

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Weather Reviews from Social Media

All photos and texts belong to their authors
« Here we are back on our beautiful island! It feels so good to be home! 😍 It's warm, vibrant, and so green in February! 😁 I truly appreciate this place, I never forget it. 😊 »
« Rain brings renewal and freshness, calmness 🙏 Warm tropical rain is totally not the same as that summer rain from colder climates 😏 Even in terms of sensations here, in the tropics, the rain feels lighter and denser... it carries life-giving moisture, and here it also evaporates and hangs in the air like a blanket of humidity...

Our summer rain in the tropics is like... well, completely different, "momental"... these drops are heavy and saturated, more than the stale, sluggish rains we know. What can I say about our autumn torrential rains... 😏 »
« 🇹🇭
I absolutely love this climate and the vibrant, juicy colors that surround me. 🌴 In February, the weather in Samui is just perfect. 🌞 During the day, there’s no scorching heat, the evenings are fresh, and there’s no stuffiness. We haven’t had any rain yet. Just the sea, fruits, sunshine, and massages! 💖 That’s why I adore Thailand more than anything else. »
« In Koh Samui, it's the season of winds and thunderstorms⛅⚡—it's cool while the sun is blazing, and then a moment later, it's pouring like there's no tomorrow☔. With wind gusts this strong, I often think about packing stones in my bag! »
« The weather changes in just a few minutes. The beach and sea are deserted, all because of a summer rain. »
« Here’s another photo of the approaching rain. I love Samui, everything here is just great! 🌧️❤️ »
« Looks like we got caught in a tropical rain for the whole day, but it adds an indescribable energy to the jungle, and the elephants are just absolutely beautiful! 🌿🐘✨ »
« Samui before the rain. Just for reference, the rain lasted only 2 minutes. »
« Today was a bit cloudy... But the sky is always magnificent, no matter what... »
« It's "off-season" in Samui... Not a drop ☔️ from the sky, +33☀️, What could be better? »

Learn About Koh Samui’s Weather and Seasons: When to Visit, High and Low Season, and the Best Time to Go.