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Seasons and Weather in Innsbruck

Innsbruck Weather by Month

Monthly average weather statistics directly from scientific weather stations

Pink LineDaytime Average Temperature

Blue LineNighttime Average Temperature

Average temperature is for reference, actual temperature at a specific hour may vary significantly from the average, both higher and lower

Detailed Monthly Weather Overview

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Weather Reviews from Social Media

All photos and texts belong to their authors
« A few minutes ago, the sun was shining, and suddenly dark clouds gathered over the Alps. »
« Already in Austria! The weather changed right before our eyes while we were driving from Munich! One moment it was pouring rain, the next it was a snowstorm, but the BEAUTY of the landscape remained unchanged! :) We'll be back in the summer! »
« The weather is still dreary. It's very cloudy and occasionally drizzling. Thankfully, it's not pouring. But my mood and emotional state are much better now. Positive thinking is key! 🌧️😊 »
« This is the most typical postcard view of Innsbruck. Only professional photographers shoot in clear weather when those charming little houses are set against the impressively massive and beautiful Alps. So I have my own unique perspective. »
« In Innsbruck, there are drinking fountains in playgrounds and around the city. Everyone uses them in their own way: adults sip and splash their faces on a hot day, while kids just have fun splashing around! Even in the rain!☔️ Wishing everyone good vibes! »
« Thanks to the many buildings in Innsbruck painted in bright colors, the city never feels gloomy during rain or overcast weather. »
« Today the weather finally cleared up, the rain retreated, and the sun even peeked out at times. So we joyfully walked 11 miles through meadows and forests :) »
« The weather outside is absolutely terrible: gray, gloomy, cold, and it's pouring rain non-stop. »
« I absolutely love observing the surrounding mountains from a high vantage point. Especially on a clear sunny day that's truly spring-like! Even the strong wind couldn't stop us from walking around all day and enjoying the beauty surrounding us. Plus, a delicious meal at a traditional restaurant located 3,500 feet up helped warm us up and regain energy for the journey home. 😊

How were your weekends? »
« Ah, such a beautiful snowy winter in Innsbruck remains only in our memory and in photos. It feels like spring outside already. »

Learn About Innsbruck’s Weather and Seasons: When to Visit, High and Low Season, and the Best Time to Go.