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Seasons and Weather in Vienna

Vienna Weather by Month

Monthly average weather statistics directly from scientific weather stations

Pink LineDaytime Average Temperature

Blue LineNighttime Average Temperature

Average temperature is for reference, actual temperature at a specific hour may vary significantly from the average, both higher and lower

Detailed Monthly Weather Overview

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Weather Reviews from Social Media

All photos and texts belong to their authors
« During the first days of our stay in Venice, the weather was chilly. But then the sun came out and almost cloudless skies gifted us with views like this from our hotel window. 🌞🏰 »
« As soon as I wrote that spring conquers winter, the temperature immediately drops below freezing for the next few days. 🥶 This kind of winter is something I haven't seen in Vienna. The snow that lasted even for just one day seemed to be a rare sight during all this time. ❄️ The rest was either rain or snow, or just some weird weather 🤭. I have the impression that winter this year is somehow questioning whether it should exist or not 😄. But if we push aside the jokes, it’s strange to see this all. 🤔 The only thing I'm hoping for is that spring will be more decisive, and that in March we won't start the "icy period" again. 🌨️🌈

This post came out of the "Let's talk about the weather" category 😂. Thanks for paying attention! 🤣 »
« We were so lucky with the weather yesterday🙏🏼 Today in Vienna it’s raining and 66°F. »
« Vienna was amazing! We managed to see so much, the weather was perfect, just great :) I recorded a ton of videos, I’ll share them in a couple of weeks :) »
« Today the weather is just fantastic! It's still fresh after the rain and the sun is shining! I'm working on my photo portfolio today ;) »
« Overall, my feeling about Vienna is quite mixed. It's a big modern city with ancient architecture, most of which is under restoration, and some large absurd modern buildings (for instance, the ugly gray Intercontinental hotel in the center looks more like a prison). Either the weather played a role, or one day just isn't enough to fall in love with this city... But that sense of melancholy and desire to escape stayed with me here... not for a moment. »
« Vienna greeted us with an unusually hot weather! Starting today, I'm the map reader and guiding us through the city. We strolled through the Belvedere Park, and I must say, it looks even more impressive in photos online. We stretched our legs after a pretty exhausting flight. 😊🌞 »
« Vienna greeted us with overcast yet warm weather. »
« I'm feeling pretty much the same about the weather in Europe.)) P.S. It's +35°C in Vienna this weekend... »

Learn About Vienna’s Weather and Seasons: When to Visit, High and Low Season, and the Best Time to Go.