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Seasons and Weather in Dubrovnik

Dubrovnik Weather by Month

Monthly average weather statistics directly from scientific weather stations

Pink LineDaytime Average Temperature

Blue LineNighttime Average Temperature

Average temperature is for reference, actual temperature at a specific hour may vary significantly from the average, both higher and lower

Detailed Monthly Weather Overview

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Weather Reviews from Social Media

All photos and texts belong to their authors
« "The rain has passed, it’s fresh. The sea is stormy. We're warming up in a little restaurant." »
« Summer continues in Croatia. The view of the old town. Old Dubrovnik holds a wealth of attractions. »
« I'll tell you that walking around all of Dubrovnik along the old stone fortifications in 35-degree heat is no easy task! But we did it! »
« Last night of summer... And then rainy, cold Hamburg. »
« And then it started to rain, but it really didn't change anything... »
« Dubrovnik welcomed us with warm weather and clear sunshine! Thank you for the warm hospitality) but we are off again... »
« Everything is perfect. Except for the water. The water is ice cold... »
« Rain has come to us. And we went for a walk))) »
« Farewell stroll through the streets of Dubrovnik. The weather was incredibly lucky; I got to see the city in the sunlight, where the contrast between the white walls and the red rooftops was particularly striking. On the day of departure, a nasty rain started. So leaving wasn't such a big deal after all. 😊 »
« Yesterday was a beautiful start in Dubrovnik. Today it started to rain, and according to the weather forecast, it's going to keep coming down. My jeans are already sticking to me ⛵️ »
« As soon as we climbed up the walls of Dubrovnik, the sky became overcast and it started pouring rain. Just for a minute, but the raindrops were so big that we got soaked! »

Learn About Dubrovnik’s Weather and Seasons: When to Visit, High and Low Season, and the Best Time to Go.