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Seasons and Weather in Nicosia

Nicosia Weather by Month

Monthly average weather statistics directly from scientific weather stations

Pink LineDaytime Average Temperature

Blue LineNighttime Average Temperature

Average temperature is for reference, actual temperature at a specific hour may vary significantly from the average, both higher and lower

Detailed Monthly Weather Overview

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Weather Reviews from Social Media

All photos and texts belong to their authors
« Doors, walls, little windows, carved shadows... I absolutely love all these details :) It's such a joy to spend a February Saturday in the warm +77°F with my favorite person and a friend :) It's so easy to be happy in Cyprus. I think I might need to share a post about this :))) »
« Suddenly, summer hit Cyprus. Just over the weekend, it was 16-18°C, and now it's 24+. And the forecasts speak of 26°C. And that's all in the shade. Today, I ran to the post office in a summer blouse and almost melted in just 10 minutes. And the locals? They just swapped their puffer jackets for coats. I'm thinking of shocking them with shorts tomorrow! 🌞😁 »
« The southeast of Cyprus greeted us with wonderful weather and a stunning view of the sea. »
« Someone at home is in a winter coat, while someone else is in a t-shirt) everyone has their own winter) ☺️ »
« Today on our way, we got caught in a pouring rain, or rather a downpour, luckily we were on the bus. »
« When all the tourists leave, autumn arrives... It's a time of sadness and gloom.)) »
« Well, that's it... Thank you, Cyprus, for this incredible, beautiful, and unforgettable adventure... for the scorching sun, the boundless sea, the cool breeze, and the wonderfully friendly and always smiling locals... 🌞🌊😊 »

Learn About Nicosia’s Weather and Seasons: When to Visit, High and Low Season, and the Best Time to Go.