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Jardin de Compans Caffarelli

Essential Information & Visitor Reviews

Jardin de Compans Caffarelli

Jardin de Compans Caffarelli

Must-visit spot
  Jardin de Compans Caffarelli sits in the heart of Toulouse, adjacent to the Compans Caffarelli Metro station. Created in 1995, this urban park is notable for its serene Japanese garden, which features a traditional tea house and a pond filled with koi. Spanning 3.5 hectares, the garden is designed for relaxation and leisure, offering pathways shaded by cherry blossoms and pines. Each spring, particularly in April, visitors can enjoy the vibrant blossoms and participate in various cultural events hosted in the park. Whether you’re strolling through its landscapes or simply enjoying a quiet moment, Jardin de Compans Caffarelli serves as a peaceful retreat in the bustling city.

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