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Seasons and Weather in Cologne

Cologne Weather by Month

Monthly average weather statistics directly from scientific weather stations

Pink LineDaytime Average Temperature

Blue LineNighttime Average Temperature

Average temperature is for reference, actual temperature at a specific hour may vary significantly from the average, both higher and lower

Detailed Monthly Weather Overview

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Weather Reviews from Social Media

All photos and texts belong to their authors
« Cologne Cathedral, I can’t help but admire the beauty and grandeur of this cathedral every time I pass by, whether I'm on my errands or just strolling around the area ♥ And yes, December 26th and it's 15 degrees warm :-))) »
« Cologne waterfront. The weather is wonderful. About 50°F. You can walk around in just a sweater and feel perfectly fine. »
« "Some people just don't get what I found in it. Romance, ☔️ even in the rain." »
« X-mas market. Outside it's +16, sunny, but my thoughts are already in Germany celebrating Christmas. So much beauty around! All those lights and holiday decorations! I squealed with delight! I need to go make a Christmas wreath because I'm a bit behind. My neighbors have already hung their lights and put out their Santa Clauses. »
« There are those charming cities where you step out of your hotel, look left and right, and your eyes light up. It seems like nothing special—some people heading to work, shops and cafes opening up, someone sipping coffee and the aroma fills the fresh autumn air. Some are smiling, some are feeling down, and life moves on. It was like this a hundred years ago, and it will be like this in another hundred. Cologne, in my opinion, is exactly that... »
« Our grandma went back home. That week flew by so quickly, I barely noticed! ... It's a little sad. Now it's just me, taking walks with the local newspaper and a steaming cup of tea in my thermos (autumn and rain are still here!). 🍂☕️ »
« Autumn is in full swing. Suddenly it dropped to 33°F. And let me tell you, that’s cold! »
« I really love Germany for the fact that after a workday, all you have to do is step out onto the balcony and you're already in a mini-park. It's all so quiet, calm, and fresh. Pure bliss. Just yesterday, I was sitting there drawing while a storm raged around me: rain, wind, clouds. A little summer hurricane ⚡️⚡️☔️☔️ You feel like you're outside, yet somehow cozy at home. »
« The weather is autumn. Breakfast in the park. Students wandering around, ladies with their dogs. Little birds flying. There are sparrows, then there are blue tits, a flock of parrots just flew by, and ducks...wait!!! PARROTS?! And I'm not crazy! I saw the doctor yesterday. He said I'm normal! I love this city more and more! 🌳🐦🥐 »
« I have a true autumn outside my window: it's been raining for two days, it's gray, and around 60°F. I really don’t feel like getting back to household chores and the paperwork I haven't sorted out yet. I just want to run around the porch with my dog and take funny selfies with my girls. 😊🍂 »
« Cologne greeted us with less than sunny weather, but by noon it hit +89°F and it was sweltering. In just 5 minutes, my legs managed to tan with short lines! ☀️😅 »
« "The sun, then a storm all day... yet the Cologne Cathedral remains simply stunning." »
« The weather in Cologne is a whole different story; the wind from the Rhine blows all possible thoughts out of your head, and it seems like there's sunshine, but the cold seeps right to your bones. But the Rhine... that's a completely different tale. »

Learn About Cologne’s Weather and Seasons: When to Visit, High and Low Season, and the Best Time to Go.