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Seasons and Weather in Hamburg

Hamburg Weather by Month

Monthly average weather statistics directly from scientific weather stations

Pink LineDaytime Average Temperature

Blue LineNighttime Average Temperature

Average temperature is for reference, actual temperature at a specific hour may vary significantly from the average, both higher and lower

Detailed Monthly Weather Overview

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Weather Reviews from Social Media

All photos and texts belong to their authors
« Clouds above Alster Lake, in the heart of Hamburg. It's always either cloudy or raining. »
« Hamburg is beautiful, but the weather is almost always cloudy. So, not without some photo filters. »
« The architecture is top-notch, but the weather has let me down a bit – it's gotten colder and it rains from time to time. Still, it's manageable. »
« Next stop, Hamburg. I don't know if the weather is always this bad or if we just got lucky))) You can't see much in a day, but we did manage to take in the important sights. The beautiful Neo-Renaissance new town hall was definitely a highlight! »
« Another wonderful day of our journey! Today we are in Germany, exploring Hamburg - it's a big, noisy, beautiful, and yet a bit gritty city. The architecture is stunning and the weather is delightful, which is the most important thing! 🌆✨ »
« It's raining in Hamburg today. But there’s a certain charm to this rugged, unique port city. It's a truly beautiful city! »
« Hamburg greeted us yesterday with rain and cold, but today the weather cleared up in the morning and the sun was shining, making it a very positive day)) »
« Summer in Hamburg is so great that I've caught a cold for the second time this month! »
« In Hamburg, it’s raining... A hurricane passed through (yes, there was a gusty wind of 54 m/s!). Some might think I’m being too harsh on Hamburg, but there are indeed some unpleasant characters around, and a lot of tasteless things too. »
« The weather in Hamburg right now is really terrible: constant rain and slush, you can't have enough umbrellas or shoes :( The locals seemed completely dry while being without umbrellas or hats, and here I am soaked to the bones... Oh, Hamburg ;) »
« "In Hamburg, during this weather, the canals 'bloom' every year. It’s not algae, but a specific type of tiny seaweed, as if someone had sprinkled emerald pigment into the water, which didn’t dissolve but remained in a smooth layer on the surface. It doesn’t smell and has a mysterious vibe, yet you still feel a bit like an unwilling participant in a failed chemistry experiment." »
« The beauty of this city is beyond words... It has its own scent, its own vibe. Rain, snow, and slush only enhance Hamburg's charm. »
« In May, it feels like we got more rainfall than the entire autumn and winter combined. My complaints aren't understood here because "you're from a rainy city." 🌧️ »
« Hamburg ranks second in Europe for rainfall, but on our first day, we hit the jackpot – the sun was shining brightly, making the numerous canals of this German city particularly beautiful. ☀️✨ »
« Today I’m having another bout of love for Hamburg. And tomorrow marks the end of winter, which we didn’t really have this year. I’ve been getting by in my fall jacket and autumn boots, but I’m not complaining, just so you know. The only reason I find for snow is for skiing, but the terrain around here is as flat as my chest after the Dukan diet, so no skiing and no need for winter! »
« Today in Hamburg, the cold winter light is incredibly beautiful, and on days like this, I am engulfed in tender feelings for this anything-but-tender city... »
« All day it drizzled, a typical summer rain, but the sea breeze kept pushing us into the harbor's coffee shops and little stores. It was a quiet, serene day with a certain indifference to it. But who knows how it will end? »

Learn About Hamburg’s Weather and Seasons: When to Visit, High and Low Season, and the Best Time to Go.