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Seasons and Weather in Hanover

Hanover Weather by Month

Monthly average weather statistics directly from scientific weather stations

Pink LineDaytime Average Temperature

Blue LineNighttime Average Temperature

Average temperature is for reference, actual temperature at a specific hour may vary significantly from the average, both higher and lower

Detailed Monthly Weather Overview

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Weather Reviews from Social Media

All photos and texts belong to their authors
« It's +16 outside. I love this November! I was in the city today, and they already have lights and little Christmas trees everywhere! I really enjoy all this holiday sparkle; it makes me want to set up my own tree already. 🎄✨ »
« "Oh, how great it was to stroll through autumn Hannover today! The weather is delightful: sunshine, blue skies, but it's already time for gloves for my hands!" »
« It’s so great that we got lucky with the weather today, perfect for a walk in the park. In the photo is the Great Garden in Hanover, one of several parks in the Herrenhausen Gardens. The park is indeed large and surprisingly beautiful! 🌳🌷 »
« Saying goodbye to summer by the lake! Today and tomorrow we still have +86°F, then it will suddenly drop to a cool +66°F! But, to be honest, I’m much more excited about fall than the summer heat. 🌅🍂 »
« Feeling the chill outside and then warming up in a church is a sacred thing! If we go by the freezing temperatures, winter has truly arrived. Happy first day of winter to everyone! »
« The weather has been treating us to summer temperatures around 68°F throughout March, and April kicked off with a pleasant 63°F! Here’s a photo of the flowers blossoming near our house. And there’s something on my mind that just won’t go away. A friend recently asked if we’ve taken a vacation with the kid yet. When I said no, she dramatically crossed her arms and exclaimed, "How can you survive 6 months without a vacation?" I replied, "Actually, it's 8 months." She looked at me and said I seemed so exhausted! Isn’t it funny? Just when I started to like what I see in the mirror, here comes the harsh truth. »
« +15! Sunny! It feels like the whole city has come out to enjoy the lake. I got myself a macchiato, sitting in the sun and reading an intriguing book about what it means to be Jewish today. And even the kid is asleep, which is probably the biggest miracle of all! Great International Women's Day! 😉🌞 »
« For the third day in a row, the sun is shining, which is almost as unbelievable as my lottery win. In the photo, there’s a glimpse of the old town. »
« We’re home! It’s just as hot here, but there’s no sea... This year’s weather is all extremes. I really want fall! By the way, this is the old part of Hanover. For some reason, I only get to explore the city at night. »

Learn About Hanover’s Weather and Seasons: When to Visit, High and Low Season, and the Best Time to Go.