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Seasons and Weather in Reykjavik

Reykjavik Weather by Month

Monthly average weather statistics directly from scientific weather stations

Pink LineDaytime Average Temperature

Blue LineNighttime Average Temperature

Average temperature is for reference, actual temperature at a specific hour may vary significantly from the average, both higher and lower

Detailed Monthly Weather Overview

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Weather Reviews from Social Media

All photos and texts belong to their authors
« A lighthouse stands, anxiously gazing into the distance... The weather in Iceland is unpredictable... those were the very moments when the sun peeked out... ☀️ »
« In just an hour and a half of walking, I experienced: sunshine with a clear blue sky, gray rain clouds, snow/hail, a rainbow, and strong gusts of wind... 🌈☀️🌧️❄️ »
« Reykjavik Airport welcomed me with a brisk wind and a landscape that felt like winter had settled in. »
« Yesterday, I finally learned what Icelandic bad weather really is. The wind in St. Petersburg feels like a refreshing breeze compared to Icelandic winds, which blow from one coast to the other, accompanied by rain. It doesn’t just push you; it sweeps you away like a wave! And in the photo, it’s Tuesday, with warmth and beauty. 🌧️🌊 »
« Reykjavik greeted us with rain and wind. »
« No filters. We were incredibly lucky with the weather! Just one stormy night with heavy rain upon arrival and one rainy morning. The rest of the time was filled with sunshine, variable clouds, fog, rainbows, wind strong enough to slam car doors, heat, and a refreshing breeze from the sea, all changing like a kaleidoscope. »
« Reykjavik from a height of 74 meters. The snowy peaks in the distance are barely visible through the clouds. The air temperature is 6 degrees Celsius. It's windy. There's a wonderful saying among Icelanders about the weather:
If you don't like the weather, just wait five minutes, and it will get even worse. »
« The weather changes every half hour ❄️☔️ »
« It rained all day. This is a typical state for Icelandic weather. I wouldn't say it was a heavy downpour; it was mostly just drizzling. Quite reminiscent of Seattle. :) »
« Iceland greeted us with fog and a light drizzle, but we were even expecting colder weather. Upon arriving from the airport in Reykjavik, the rain actually stopped completely. »
« In Reykjavik today, it's +68°F. That's hot by local standards. »
« It's a bit cloudy today, but still beautiful. »
« Iceland is treating us to sunshine, beautiful skies, and reasonably warm temperatures. Today in Reykjavik, there's a celebration, and it’s definitely not Victory Day. The locals have pulled out long-forgotten accessories from their attics - sunglasses. ☀️😎 »

Learn About Reykjavik’s Weather and Seasons: When to Visit, High and Low Season, and the Best Time to Go.