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Fontana dei Quattro Cavalli

Essential Information & Visitor Reviews

Fontana dei Quattro Cavalli

Fontana dei Quattro Cavalli

  Fontana dei Quattro Cavalli stands in the heart of Rimini, nestled along Viale Vittorio Veneto. Built in 1934, this fountain features four intricately carved horses, symbolizing power and perseverance. Its primary purpose is to serve as a decorative water feature, providing a striking centerpiece for the surrounding area. In summer months, visitors flock to this lively spot to enjoy the vibrant atmosphere and capture photos of the impressive craftsmanship. While here, you can admire the delicately detailed sculptures and watch the world go by from one of the nearby cafes.

Fontana dei Quattro Cavalli (Rimini): visitor information, authentic reviews, and up-to-date photos. Explore detailed ratings and practical tips about this location from real travelers.