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Seasons and Weather in Turin

Turin Weather by Month

Monthly average weather statistics directly from scientific weather stations

Pink LineDaytime Average Temperature

Blue LineNighttime Average Temperature

Average temperature is for reference, actual temperature at a specific hour may vary significantly from the average, both higher and lower

Detailed Monthly Weather Overview

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Weather Reviews from Social Media

All photos and texts belong to their authors
« The weather here is very spring-like. »
« The weather here is very spring-like. »
« From our window... No, we can't see Red Square; instead, it opens up to a typical residential neighborhood in Italy. We're spending this week in Turin. Yesterday, we saw the rooms where the Olympic team stayed during the Winter Games.

We continue studying from 9 to 6, so there's hardly any time to stroll around.

At first, it was quite an adjustment moving from the calm of Germany to the noisy, chaotic, vibrant life of Italy, but after a couple of days, we got used to it. The weather improved, and spring arrived in the city. Sun, shine on us, because without you, it's cold and gloomy. 🌞 »
« After the rain... the result of being close to the Po River and the heavy rainfall of the past few days - the campus of our center is flooded. »
« Today is such a sunny day. I really liked the church. It reminds me of the architecture in Barcelona. »
« Turin. By the way, it's 10 degrees outside. Take a look, there's someone in short sleeves over there. »
« Here comes autumn in Turin. There's not as much heat as in Bologna. Plenty of space, like in some northern cities. Finally, I can breathe in the narrow, winding streets. 🍂🌆 »
« The weather is lovely. Not too hot, but really warm. Today we ran around the city, issues, issues... but Turin is so beautiful!!! 🌞🏙️ »
« Turin is a beautiful city, but the weather let us down; we're running around in the rain. »
« Rain, snow, cold - March in Turin this year is weird. »
« The sun is blazing, feels warm. But the wind is so cold that my nose is frozen))) Amazing weather on the mountain! »
« Just a few days ago, the sun was playing with me in my favorite weather on the beautiful waterfront, 66°F in autumn - it's bliss! »
« Just a few days ago, the sun was playing with me in my favorite weather on the beautiful waterfront, 66°F in autumn - it's bliss! »
« We have thunderstorms: Rain, thunder, and lightning. »

Learn About Turin’s Weather and Seasons: When to Visit, High and Low Season, and the Best Time to Go.