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Seasons and Weather in Gdansk

Gdansk Weather by Month

Monthly average weather statistics directly from scientific weather stations

Pink LineDaytime Average Temperature

Blue LineNighttime Average Temperature

Average temperature is for reference, actual temperature at a specific hour may vary significantly from the average, both higher and lower

Detailed Monthly Weather Overview

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Weather Reviews from Social Media

All photos and texts belong to their authors
« Magical winter! The weather was just incredibly lucky. »
« Magical winter! The weather was just incredibly lucky. »
« Walking through the streets of Gdańsk. It's cold, but fascinating! 😊 »
« We strolled along the waterfront! It's so beautiful, warm, and cozy, despite the weather. 🌊😊 »
« The weather barely resembles the summer we are used to. »
« Spent Saturday in Gdańsk at the St. Dominic's Fair)))) lucky with the weather, it was pouring cold rain yesterday) walked around, got a ton of impressions) »
« Gdańsk, the Baltic Sea, incredibly cold and the weather changes very quickly—one moment it’s blazing sunshine, the next a cold wind, then rain... 🌧️☀️💨 »
« Gorgeous city of Gdańsk. Poland. Sweltering summer of 2011. The heat in July was off the charts, over 113 degrees Fahrenheit. »
« The Baltic Sea in winter is beautiful! We are thrilled! My dream of "seeing the winter sea" has come true! 🌊❄️ »
« Gdańsk. Poland greeted us with swans and chilly weather. Well, hello Poland! »
« It’s really cold here, I tell you, but I’m still so glad to be here!))) »
« In the heart of festive Gdańsk, photos of a snow-covered city hang, as if hinting that winter in our latitudes hasn't always been +50°F and rainy. »
« On the streets of Gdańsk, you can connect to free Wi-Fi. Such a nice little thing! An annoying little detail was the bone-chilling cold, so I could only manage to take off my gloves for a photo! 🥶📸 »
« Gloomy Gdańsk from a height of 82 meters - the towers of St. Mary's Church (400 steps, by the way) 😊 »

Learn About Gdansk’s Weather and Seasons: When to Visit, High and Low Season, and the Best Time to Go.