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Explanada de España

Essential Information & Visitor Reviews

Explanada de España

Explanada de España

  Explanada de España stretches along the waterfront in Alicante, bordered by the picturesque harbor. Dating back to the 19th century, this vibrant promenade spans approximately 500 meters and is famously adorned with over 200,000 tricolor tiles. Primarily serving as a recreational space, it invites locals and visitors to stroll, relax, and enjoy various events throughout the year, including live music performances. During the summer months, the palm trees lining the pathway provide shade as you explore the nearby cafes and artisan markets. While meandering along, you can appreciate the lively atmosphere and discover numerous sculptures that reflect the city's cultural heritage.

Explanada de España (Alicante): visitor information, authentic reviews, and up-to-date photos. Explore detailed ratings and practical tips about this location from real travelers.