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Seasons and Weather in Stockholm

Stockholm Weather by Month

Monthly average weather statistics directly from scientific weather stations

Pink LineDaytime Average Temperature

Blue LineNighttime Average Temperature

Average temperature is for reference, actual temperature at a specific hour may vary significantly from the average, both higher and lower

Detailed Monthly Weather Overview

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Weather Reviews from Social Media

All photos and texts belong to their authors
« Stockholm greeted us yesterday with a little drizzle and a cloudy sky... »
« The weather changes a hundred times a day here. Many people are dressed inappropriately: some in just a T-shirt, while others (like me) are bundled up warmer ☀️☔️☁️ »
« Stockholm after the rain. The city has washed itself and breathes deeply. »
« I've never been so happy about a rainy Monday as I am today. After a week of heat, this is pure bliss! I can breathe, sit on the terrace, and I don't have to run to the shower twice a day.
Even a tour under umbrellas is better than a tour in the scorching sun. I'm sipping coffee and waiting for tourists. Wishing everyone a wonderful week! 🌧️☕️✨ »
« Stockholm greeted us with beautiful summer weather. »
« Finally, it's warm! In the photo, the main star is not me, but the fluffy little owl on the branch! 🦉🌳 »
« Beautiful Stockholm greeted us with a light drizzle. »
« Such a harsh Swedish summer. +54°F and occasional rain. We fearlessly explore Stockholm, even though we're freezing terribly. But the Swedes just don't care about the "bad weather." They're ready to relax and have fun, rain or snow or any chill. Tough as nails. »
« It's gotten colder outside to +14°C? Great, it's the perfect time to start eating ice cream! 🍦 »
« Finally, it’s warm, it was even hot today! 😊 »
« Stockholm greeted us with wonderful walking weather ☺️ »

Learn About Stockholm’s Weather and Seasons: When to Visit, High and Low Season, and the Best Time to Go.