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Seasons and Weather in London

London Weather by Month

Monthly average weather statistics directly from scientific weather stations

Pink LineDaytime Average Temperature

Blue LineNighttime Average Temperature

Average temperature is for reference, actual temperature at a specific hour may vary significantly from the average, both higher and lower

Detailed Monthly Weather Overview

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Weather Reviews from Social Media

All photos and texts belong to their authors
« Sunny London morning from the outskirts of London City. It's 48 degrees Fahrenheit, and London is frozen. »
« But the truth is, even in winter, it’s not so scary and gloomy with the sun shining! ☀️ Already a few days I’ve been sleeping in, feeling happy, looking out the window! 🌤️ »
« You look at this photo and think about how beautiful it must be in London during February when the cherry blossoms bloom. It’s probably nice and warm there. Meanwhile, here, it’s really cold! We’re at 37°F with strong winds and it feels even colder. 😬 And the forecast says it’ll be chilly all week… so you can imagine I don't feel like going outside! »
« Tower, fountains, and umbrellas. Yesterday evening it rained in London. »
« The famous London skyscraper, nicknamed the Shard. The weather here changes several times a day – from sunny to cloudy to a light drizzle. Luckily, we had great weather. »
« The British weather is full of wonders – during my two-week stay, the temperature ranged from 50 to 95 degrees Fahrenheit. »
« Today we have beautiful weather and it's easy to breathe! »
« It's hot in London right now. The famous red telephone booths are becoming fewer and fewer each year. The city authorities have introduced fees for visitors. »
« Hi everyone! How are you? What are you up to right now? Sofia and I made chicken cutlets this morning and we're out for a walk. It's +17°C outside today ⛅️ Yeah, that's typical summer weather in London. »
« London unfiltered. Today the weather is straight out of a storybook: drizzling with a chilly drizzle, skyscrapers standing in the fog, you couldn't imagine a more quintessentially English day. And here's my traditional annual photo by Tower Bridge. If you're in London, it seems like the Circle and District lines are closed, so choose an alternative route! :) »
« No, no! Don't get me wrong! We absolutely love everything: the temperature at +9, the rain, the gusty wind, and the low gray sky! There’s no way we’d trade this proper freshness for the relentless heat of the city! And oh, how we adore the local crazy prices – you just can’t imagine!!! 😊 »
« In London, the English weather...☁️ »
« Everyone knows this amazing band, the Beatles❤️
Today, we had the luck to visit the museum dedicated to these talented musicians.
Ah yes. The weather in Liverpool today is awful, with a very strong wind that is blowing everything away (and this is without exaggeration).
Some people from our cheerful group even fell down..
Somehow, we made it to the museum, and we don't regret it, we are happier than ever! Even this storm can't dampen our spirits, after all, this is the ENGLISH SHIRE❤️

Learn About London’s Weather and Seasons: When to Visit, High and Low Season, and the Best Time to Go.