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Al Qasba

Essential Information & Visitor Reviews

Al Qasba

Al Qasba

Must-visit spot
  Al Qasba sits along the picturesque Khalid Lagoon in Sharjah, offering a blend of entertainment and cultural experience. Established in 2003, this vibrant destination features a 60-meter tall observation wheel that provides panoramic views of the city. The complex includes dining options, art galleries, and a host of events, making it a hub for family activities and entertainment. Visitors can stroll the scenic canal walk, which stretches approximately 1.5 kilometers, while enjoying seasonal activities that often coincide with local festivities. With its blend of leisure and art, Al Qasba is sure to engage everyone from food lovers to culture enthusiasts.

Al Qasba (Sharjah): visitor information, authentic reviews, and up-to-date photos. Explore detailed ratings and practical tips about this location from real travelers.