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Seasons and Weather in Shanghai

Shanghai Weather by Month

Monthly average weather statistics directly from scientific weather stations

Pink LineDaytime Average Temperature

Blue LineNighttime Average Temperature

Average temperature is for reference, actual temperature at a specific hour may vary significantly from the average, both higher and lower

Detailed Monthly Weather Overview

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Weather Reviews from Social Media

All photos and texts belong to their authors
« Today, it's already spring 🌼 with temperatures ranging from +5 to +20 degrees, which is quite the change in just 12 hours. »
« Kids and snow.
Shanghai, January 2018.
It's truly magical. Nobody saw this coming. Last year there was just a tiny hint of it. But this year, the snow is lying on the rooftops of homes and the streets of Shanghai, even today. »
« This visit to Shanghai didn’t go as planned due to a thick fog, but Shanghai is incredibly beautiful even in foggy conditions. 🇨🇳

P.S. I particularly love the skyscrapers disappearing into the mist where the rooftop of the skyline isn’t visible. 😍 »
« The weather today! ✨
I sometimes love winter when it feels like spring, when there's that lightness in the air. Is it just me, or is it weird that even in January, you can have these warm days? Tomorrow is supposed to be even warmer, and I can't help but feel cheerful about it! »
« We even got lucky with the weather. Outside, of course, it’s 0 degrees, but the sun is shining! ☀️ »
« Today it’s so rainy), the weather is changing as it does in London))🙈😄 »
« And even in such weather, I love you, Shanghai! »
« Finally made it to Shanghai. But it rained all day outside lol, life winner ✌ »
« I love Shanghai for its almost summer-like weather in December)))))) »
« Happy first day of winter❄️ December 1st and it's +63°F. It's such a cool feeling when you can wear a t-shirt and a coat in December and still feel warm! »
« The weather in Shanghai has turned bad again - it's damp, gray, and rainy. Time to head home ;) »
« The weather this time is really unfriendly, but otherwise, Shanghai is still absolutely stunning. »
« And in the evenings, it's cold... rain, wind, high humidity, and autumn suddenly turns into winter! »
« Well, how does nature do it? +26, sunshine, the best weather gift in November. In moments like this, standing on my balcony and trying to take in the whole panorama, I suddenly realize: "Wow, I'm happy!" »
« The final day in Shanghai is treated to sunny weather! ☀️ »
« Shanghai is shrouded in haze during the day! The temperature hits +104°F in August!!!!))) »

Learn About Shanghai’s Weather and Seasons: When to Visit, High and Low Season, and the Best Time to Go.