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Seasons and Weather in Goa

Goa Weather by Month

Monthly average weather statistics directly from scientific weather stations

Pink LineDaytime Average Temperature

Blue LineNighttime Average Temperature

Average temperature is for reference, actual temperature at a specific hour may vary significantly from the average, both higher and lower

Detailed Monthly Weather Overview

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Weather Reviews from Social Media

All photos and texts belong to their authors
« 26/365 day in Goa was exhausting because of the oppressive heat, 100°F. The state’s history is marked by a Catholic oasis; Portugal left its mark. Here, the essence is purely Indian with a blend of masala chai ☕️ and aromas wafting through the streets. »
« This season, I've experienced rain in Goa twice, and this third time, it was pouring. Last year, we only had weather like this once. 🌧️ »
« "Stylish, trendy, youthful😝 An excellent shield from the scorching sun and excessive attention😎" »
« "And about the weather: it's hot, no precipitation 😎☀️🔥" »
« Absolutely in love with the rainy season in India, everything is so green around. 🌧️💚 »
« Upon learning that we visited Goa at the end of the season, we were really happy because during the peak season it’s crowded with tourists and locals, and we wanted a peaceful, relaxing getaway. )) »
« Nature knows no bad weather. After two days of rain, there's a nice cool breeze now, and it's actually chilly in the evenings. Although it should be really hot by now! »
« Happy first day of spring! For the first time in 3 months, it's raining here, and we're enjoying coconuts under the rain ☺️. We haven't had weather like this in 20 years! Oh, and by the way, we made it through the winter 😍. »
« Good morning everyone =) The weather is amazing))) »
« Good morning everyone =) The weather is amazing))) »
« The weather is amazing))🌴🌞 What a wonderful February💚💛💜 »
« After three days of cloudy weather, tranquility has returned!! It's sunny, hot, and peaceful 😇 »
« We made it up north. There are no tourists. Either the dollar is affecting everyone, or the season is going to start later. Or maybe everyone headed to Cambodia? »
« After the rainy season, even the fences bloom :) »
« Dogs in Goa hold a special place. There's so much to say about them. Now, on the second day of the brief rainy season (yes! It's been pouring for two days already with tropical rains), they're digging little holes on the beach and sleeping in them.

In the heat, the dogs jump into the ocean to cool off. There are so many of them, and they're incredibly friendly and cheerful, just like the locals 🐺. »
« Actually, it's not quite the season for tourists in Goa right now - the weather is changeable, it's the rainy season after all ⛅️☔️ 10 minutes of rain, and then 3 hours of heat ☀️))) »
« Actually, it's not quite the season for tourists in Goa right now - the weather is changeable, it's the rainy season after all ⛅️☔️ 10 minutes of rain, and then 3 hours of heat ☀️))) »

Learn About Goa’s Weather and Seasons: When to Visit, High and Low Season, and the Best Time to Go.