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Seasons and Weather in Tokyo

Tokyo Weather by Month

Monthly average weather statistics directly from scientific weather stations

Pink LineDaytime Average Temperature

Blue LineNighttime Average Temperature

Average temperature is for reference, actual temperature at a specific hour may vary significantly from the average, both higher and lower

Detailed Monthly Weather Overview

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Weather Reviews from Social Media

All photos and texts belong to their authors
« Winter in Japan is incredibly soft. The streets are filled with greenery and even flowers. This year, it snowed three times. But you would have seen that a whole production 😉 was made of it: reporters rushed to the streets to broadcast the tiniest snowfall they could find. Snowmen appeared everywhere, from the parks to streets, while families dispersed to their homes. It was quite amusing and interesting to observe. The locals don’t even want to imagine that it could be any colder somewhere, and they definitely don’t plan on going to those areas. I’m already losing hope of bringing my friend Taku to see our winter. The photo shows a golden palace in January 🤩, and this year it will likely be a bit early 🌸 to guess when they will start selling tickets for tourists wanting to see blooming Japan. »
« The weather affected the view, but it still takes your breath away. »
« It's interesting that there's even a Statue of Liberty in Tokyo, and we were lucky with the weather ☀️ »
« On weekends, Akihabara is packed with people, but I managed to catch a moment almost without anyone around to capture the reflection on the building. The weather was just wonderful! »
« Today the weather was summer-like, 72°F, and we visited the robots! 😊 »
« I'm walking in the park. The weather today is sunny in Tokyo, 61°F. I just love admiring the maples in December, such beauty!!! »
« Decided to spend today alone. I went to the Tokyo Art Museum, but the line was so long and there were too many people, so I just started walking around the city. The weather is lovely today! 🌞 »
« Running in Japan is truly amazing: the roads are great, there are nice ups and downs, and you rarely encounter people, cars, or dogs in the nooks. The weather today is perfect for running: 55°F and a light drizzling rain. ☔️😊 »
« By evening, the weather improved. I was able to enjoy a beautiful sunset. The sky reminded me of paintings from the Renaissance era. »
« Even the rainy weather couldn't ruin this beautiful day)) »

Learn About Tokyo’s Weather and Seasons: When to Visit, High and Low Season, and the Best Time to Go.