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Seasons and Weather in Brussels

Brussels Weather by Month

Monthly average weather statistics directly from scientific weather stations

Pink LineDaytime Average Temperature

Blue LineNighttime Average Temperature

Average temperature is for reference, actual temperature at a specific hour may vary significantly from the average, both higher and lower

Detailed Monthly Weather Overview

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Weather Reviews from Social Media

All photos and texts belong to their authors
« And meanwhile - the weather is +45°F, no snow, the grass is turning green, and the sun occasionally peeks through the clouds ☀️. Oh, if only we had winters like this... »
« Today, the weather was surprisingly sunny. But not for long, as vacation is always too short! ☀️ »
« I just want to sink into that deep blue sea under the evening sky 💙.

In the past month, we've seen the sun a couple of times, they say it hasn’t been this gloomy since December in Brussels—not since 1934! 🌧️ »
« I was in Europe all season except for winter, and it's quite hard to call it +5 in winter. It snowed yesterday like it was straight out of a fairy tale. Recently, the temperature dropped, and it snowed, and everything was just chaos. Flights were canceled, and the locals didn't know what to do with this unexpected winter, oh, they have no idea! 😂❄️ »
« Very beautiful place, it was just a bit cold, I need to return when it’s warm 🌷🌷🌷! »
« "Overcast weather creates its own unique atmosphere ❤️" »
« Brussels, I don't even know what to say... Maybe it's the bad weather, maybe the crowds of immigrants and the struggling neighborhoods right in the city center, or maybe just fatigue... I don't know what exactly influenced me, but overall, I wasn't a fan of Brussels! »
« Yesterday in Brussels, for the first time after those hot days, it smelled like autumn and a strong cold wind blew, but that didn't stop us from having breakfast on the balcony, wrapped in blankets) »
« Brussels! I didn't expect much from this city, but it surprised me with its stunning architecture and lovely weather! ☀️ It's such a charming and cozy place. »
« Belgium! Brussels is stunning even in rainy weather! Beer, chocolate, waffles, fries. 🍻🍫🥞🍟 »
« Yesterday it was 34 degrees Celsius. The air was stifling. »
« We walked all over Brussels. We were so lucky with the weather! ☀️ »
« It's about to rain, the weather in Belgium isn't the best, but at least the photos turn out beautiful. »
« I've never experienced a rain like this before! 🌧️ It was the heaviest downpour in just 3 seconds, but it passed just as quickly. »

Learn About Brussels’s Weather and Seasons: When to Visit, High and Low Season, and the Best Time to Go.