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Seasons and Weather in Paphos

Paphos Weather by Month

Monthly average weather statistics directly from scientific weather stations

Pink LineDaytime Average Temperature

Blue LineNighttime Average Temperature

Average temperature is for reference, actual temperature at a specific hour may vary significantly from the average, both higher and lower

Detailed Monthly Weather Overview

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Weather Reviews from Social Media

All photos and texts belong to their authors
« What’s the weather like in winter? Many people ask this question, and I completely understand their curiosity. Tickets to Cyprus in winter are quite appealing, priced around $70-$80 (without baggage). It's hard to predict the weather accurately, as it varies each year. Sometimes, February can be full of rain, while other times, you might only experience a couple of rainy days. However, it would be fair to say that winter in Cyprus tends to be rainy. But whenever the sun shines, it gets really warm, allowing you to even sunbathe.

Before deciding to come here during the winter, I recommend checking the weather forecast. A separate topic is the temperature indoors. If you’re staying in a hotel, it will always be warm. But if you're in a house or apartment, it can get quite chilly. There is no central heating on Cyprus. It's not really necessary here, considering the number of warm days. However, during these three winter months, you might start regretting this fact. Since there’s no heating, you might find it quite cold at home.

To keep warm at home, you will probably need to constantly turn on the heating or rely on electric heaters. The water is also heated electrically. You might wonder why of this, admitting you would prefer to live with central heating. But all of this comes at a price. In 2018, the cost for 1 kWh was around $0.15. With minimum usage at home, you can expect a bill of approximately $5 a day. And that’s the minimal use!

In some houses, there’s diesel heating, which they call "central heating." Pipes lead to each room, and the owner uses diesel fuel to heat their home. This type of heating might not be found everywhere. »
« Home sweet home!!!
After Brussels' chilly +9, Cyprus greets us with sunshine and lovely weather at +22... warming up!))) »
« So, we have already arrived, the weather is perfect for the evening, reaching 77 degrees during the day, and the sea is warm. The locals are as friendly as ever, and the food is amazing!!! »
« This is what a harsh winter looks like according to Cypriots, with +73°F outside. I'm staying for the winter. »
« Here we are, I didn't expect such heat! 30 degrees feels like a full 40! 😅 »
« Here we are, I didn't expect such heat! 30 degrees feels like a full 40! 😅 »
« "Only at night can you really live here... Just 34 degrees ☺️" »
« "In the Tombs live pigeons, I get them, with the sun it's +47..." »
« Just one more day left and we'll be heading home... But for now, we're enjoying the sun☀️, the heat, and the incredible Cypriot dishes. »
« We caught some rain, which is a rare sight in the summer in Paphos, Cyprus. ☔️ »

Learn About Paphos’s Weather and Seasons: When to Visit, High and Low Season, and the Best Time to Go.