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Seasons and Weather in Prague

Prague Weather by Month

Monthly average weather statistics directly from scientific weather stations

Pink LineDaytime Average Temperature

Blue LineNighttime Average Temperature

Average temperature is for reference, actual temperature at a specific hour may vary significantly from the average, both higher and lower

Detailed Monthly Weather Overview

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Weather Reviews from Social Media

All photos and texts belong to their authors
« Everyone talks about the mystique of Prague and so on, but let me just say this! Great weather, sunshine! Now that’s what I call mystique!!!)))) »
« Today was quite pleasant, despite the seriousness and chill. It felt rather cozy. The atmosphere was calm and inviting. 😊 »
« Waking up this morning and looking out the window – it was pouring rain and snowing like crazy. Who would have thought that in just two hours it would be warm and sunny like spring? This is Prague, baby! Unbelievable beauty! 🌞✨ »
« Prague is that kind of place where winter feels alive. The absence of leaves on the trees adds a touch of mystery to its charm. 🌬️❄️ »
« Spring is already in the air in Prague! 🌼 The green lawns, the warm afternoon sun, it makes you want to take off your winter coat and put on something light and colorful... I don’t even want to go back!))) What’s the weather like where you are now? »
« Beautiful view of Prague from the terrace 😍 Today we are in the Czech Republic 🇨🇿 The weather is just amazing, the sun is already shining like in May 😎 »
« Unbelievable changes in the weather and strange feelings, it's autumn, and then spring 😂 just put on sunglasses! ☀️ »
« In Prague, it's almost spring! 🌱 It's still a bit cold, but the grass is getting greener, and you can even find the first blossoms starting to appear. 🌸🌼 By the way, Prague has many beautiful gardens hidden within the city and courtyards that are usually closed off to tourists, so it's good to just explore and discover places! 😊😌 »
« The whole morning was sunny, but suddenly it got cloudy, and within 10 minutes it started to snow with rain☃️❄️, and after five minutes the sun came back again☀️🤪. But overall, it's beautiful here😍. »
« Day 1: The weather was confusing, we arrived to sunshine and warmth, then rain and hail came along. After that, the sun returned, but with a chilly breeze. I felt really cold, so we decided to head to the hotel to warm up.  »
« Hey, beautiful Prague! The weather is absolutely wonderful, the spring sun is already starting to warm up))) Overall, we are strolling around and enjoying the pleasure))) »
« 36 degrees in the shade, just wanting to crawl from one bar to another, escaping with cold beer. No desire for cultural enrichment at all. It’s been a hot week! 🍻🌞 »
« In Prague, the temperature is above 30 degrees ☀️ »
« The weather here is just perfect for the Czech Republic: rain, thunderstorms, sunshine, clouds, wind, and all of it changes every 15 minutes. But this familiar grayness only adds to the charm of the local architecture ☔ »
« Once again, the weather in Prague didn't cooperate. It's significantly colder than I expected. 🥶 »
« Prague greeted us with rain and a cool 55 degrees Fahrenheit. After the 86-degree heat, it's quite refreshing! »
« I packed two tons of light summer dresses and nothing warm, but it's 54-57 degrees and super windy here! I quickly grabbed a pair of jeans and a sweater at the first store I found. Looks like I'll be wearing them all week... 🥶✨ »
« The weather in Prague is not great at all☔️ I wish I could splash around in the sea and soak up some sun. »
« The Czech Republic welcomed us with sunshine and warmth, +64°F. But since we had a sleepless night, we decided to grab a couple of hours of sleep upon arrival. We were woken up by a gentle rain that soon passed. After that, we set out to stroll through the cobblestone streets of Prague and finally have something to eat for the first time that day. »
« Today it's raining, but that hasn't dampened my spirits... Prague is beautiful in any weather)))) »
« She greeted me with cold and rain. But that couldn't ruin my impression of her. She is endlessly beautiful, my Prague... »
« After 32 degrees Celsius heat in Vienna, the 16 degrees in Prague felt... refreshing :) »

Learn About Prague’s Weather and Seasons: When to Visit, High and Low Season, and the Best Time to Go.