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Seasons and Weather in Berlin

Berlin Weather by Month

Monthly average weather statistics directly from scientific weather stations

Pink LineDaytime Average Temperature

Blue LineNighttime Average Temperature

Average temperature is for reference, actual temperature at a specific hour may vary significantly from the average, both higher and lower

Detailed Monthly Weather Overview

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Weather Reviews from Social Media

All photos and texts belong to their authors
« It's already springtime here. Everything is dry, the underbrush is blooming, and there's some kind of little cherry blossom. You have to adjust to it. We still have winter vibes at home, and tomorrow we will definitely see that change. 😬 »
« Will this be the beginning of spring? 😉 In the coming days, they're promising sub-zero temperatures, but I'm hoping the flowers will survive this! »
« I sunbathed for a couple of hours and immediately wanted to go for a stroll :) »
« And again, the sun is shining in Berlin. This winter, in general, is considered the most gray for the last 20 years. The sun has been absent for periods of two months. Well, at least there’s no snow... This winter feels like it’s happening without any snow. Surely, we brought our own winter with us. »
« 31.01.2018 - A place that inspires even in the rain 🌧️💙 »
« While it's pouring rain outside, I'm enjoying sunny pictures. »
« I have fabulous plans for the summer, but unfortunately, it’s not here in Berlin yet, and it’s pretty chilly. For a year and a half, I diligently walked past couscous salad, but now I can’t resist it and have really become hooked. I’m reading helpful books, and you know what, it’s making a difference. 😊 »
« No matter that it’s freezing outside, raining, and the sun peeks out only occasionally, and there’s a lot to do in just 24 hours. There’s joy in being in Berlin right now during the most wonderful exhibition of the year! 🌧️✨ »
« Berlin, June, +15, it's been raining for the second day... The perfect time to have ice cream! 🍦 »
« I'm so tired of this weather(( I just want a nice warm summer ☀️ »
« April has returned, but that's no reason to stay home! »
« It's a bit cloudy here☔️ And the forecast for the next few days isn’t looking great☁️ Yesterday, we managed to stroll around the city before the rain started and came across this little cutie. »
« Yesterday was not like today. Bring back summer! I'm having a cognitive dissonance when I see boots on my feet. »
« It turned out to be so cold in Berlin! We had to rush to the local malls to find some warm clothes! As it turned out, there was hardly any warm clothing in the stores since it clearly wasn't the season. But we still managed to find a couple of items, and off we went... 🌬️🧥 »
« Arrived. After visiting charming little cozy towns, everything in Berlin feels bulky, noisy, and cold. It might just be the weather — it’s been raining on and off all day. 🌧️ »
« My love Berlin! Yesterday, the swimming season opened... »
« Sunbathing. It's still too cold to swim. The lake. »

Learn About Berlin’s Weather and Seasons: When to Visit, High and Low Season, and the Best Time to Go.