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Seasons and Weather in Dresden

Dresden Weather by Month

Monthly average weather statistics directly from scientific weather stations

Pink LineDaytime Average Temperature

Blue LineNighttime Average Temperature

Average temperature is for reference, actual temperature at a specific hour may vary significantly from the average, both higher and lower

Detailed Monthly Weather Overview

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Weather Reviews from Social Media

All photos and texts belong to their authors
« It was a beautiful warm December in Europe, when you could stroll around in a light jacket and enjoy the sunny days. It was only in St. Petersburg that I truly began to understand how much I missed the sun ☀️. But then you find joy in the snow and the biting frost. »
« Pros and cons of traveling in Europe during the cold season.
+ Few tourists, which means no queues and crowds at the most popular attractions;
+ Ability to book hotels on the spot, as not everything is fully booked;
+ January has huge sales in all stores. You can find everything from high-quality, relatively inexpensive shoes to shampoos that are indeed better than what you might find in developing countries.
- It's really cold, so you might not want to spend too much time outside;
- It gets dark early;
- Empty streets since locals are at work and there aren’t many tourists around. :) »
« The weather is quite strange lately, today it was definitely over +10°C during the day. There were trees blooming something like cherry blossoms. I couldn't believe my eyes, thought it was a Christmas decoration - a row of 10 trees, all in bloom. 🌸🌳 »
« The bragging continues on Instagram. Today, it's the capital of Saxony. A city that was almost completely destroyed during World War II and has been restored to such beauty! Stunning architecture! And the weather is fantastic! On every tour, each guide mentions how lucky we are with the weather, because just a week before our vacation, it was really cold. ☀️ »
« Germany, Dresden. No words! The city is like a fairytale and the weather is amazing! »
« Autumn weekend, nice weather... I'm rustling through the leaves! ;) »
« I want to fly! In the rainy Dresden weather. »
« Dresden welcomed us with lovely weather and a beautiful day in the city. Here’s a picture of my daughter and my sister. 😊 »
« Dresden looks particularly gloomy in overcast weather. »
« The beauty and the weather is amazing.. It's so warm and sunny! Everyone is already sitting outside at the cafés!)) »

Learn About Dresden’s Weather and Seasons: When to Visit, High and Low Season, and the Best Time to Go.