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Seasons and Weather in Rome

Rome Weather by Month

Monthly average weather statistics directly from scientific weather stations

Pink LineDaytime Average Temperature

Blue LineNighttime Average Temperature

Average temperature is for reference, actual temperature at a specific hour may vary significantly from the average, both higher and lower

Detailed Monthly Weather Overview

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Weather Reviews from Social Media

All photos and texts belong to their authors
« Good morning, Rome! 😌😌😌 We're back to our "Roman caniculus" and continuing to talk about Italy. A pleasant, still wintry day in Rome. »
« Today, it's super humid and rainy ☔️💧🌧 but that doesn't stop us from exploring! »
« Spring started yesterday, but today a cold wind has returned. However, the mimosa is already blooming. 🌼 »
« Today in Rome it's especially warm, and I really don't want to leave..!!! Italy definitely feels like my home; it warms my soul ❤️🇮🇹 »
« Rome is a lightweight gem ... weather-wise)) just when it was sunny, out of nowhere boom! ... rain ... and then a bit of blue sky, and again rain. But it's beautiful in any weather. The deep blue sky, clouds, and just a little bit of rain over the Navona Square. »
« During the day, it’s +42 degrees in the sun, tourists are shocked, but they still flock to see the city. We prefer to go to the sea during the day and take endless walks at night, with breaks for a glass or two. I feel like in tourist season, you can only really see and try to understand Rome at night. »
« It's already 30 degrees Celsius at 10 AM here. »
« Today the heat was about 40 degrees, but I went out for a lovely stroll in a beautiful summer rain, saw a rainbow, and experienced some crazy scents, smiles, laughter, soap bubbles, seagulls, and so much more that words can’t capture... Rome, I love you ❤️ »
« Gloomy Rome.
During our trip, we managed to experience all kinds of temperatures and weather; there were even some drizzles (thank goodness for our raincoats). But mostly, the temperature hovered around 77°F, which was really comfortable for sightseeing. »
« "In Rome, the rain washed away all the tourists, but we were knee-deep in puddles!" »
« "In Rome, the rain washed away all the tourists, but we were knee-deep in puddles!" »
« It's +27 outside in Rome, but the sea is quite cold, and as it turned out, very salty. The beaches weren't as clean as I hoped, but the water is crystal clear! 😊 »
« "Above this pile of stones (oh gods, what a sacrilege!) it rained today." »
« Roman holidays, the incredibly beautiful city greeted me with cool weather, but I was well taken care of. »
« When it's 31 degrees outside, I'm all about those places with air conditioning! 🥵❄️ »
« The weather here is odd; it's scorching during the day, and in the evening, there's always rain and it gets chilly. »
« 33 degrees of heat☀️ 20 km on foot.. and what?)) we smile;)) it's Rome! »

Learn About Rome’s Weather and Seasons: When to Visit, High and Low Season, and the Best Time to Go.