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Seasons and Weather in Lisbon

Lisbon Weather by Month

Monthly average weather statistics directly from scientific weather stations

Pink LineDaytime Average Temperature

Blue LineNighttime Average Temperature

Average temperature is for reference, actual temperature at a specific hour may vary significantly from the average, both higher and lower

Detailed Monthly Weather Overview

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Weather Reviews from Social Media

All photos and texts belong to their authors
« Winter in Lisbon)
On the street, the sun shines steadily, but it's around +50°F (10°C) on average.
At home, it gets chilly without heating. »
« One of the highlights of my trip to Lisbon was the Belém Tower. Although the museum inside left a bit of a lukewarm impression, the view from the tower is simply breathtaking. I was there in February, and it was around 62 degrees Fahrenheit, although locals were saying it felt cold, and everyone was wearing jackets! 😊 »
« Very changeable weather today 😳 The sun is shining everywhere, and then a little rain appears for a minute or two, and it’s gone 🌧️. »
« Pena Palace, Sintra. I felt like a princess 👑. It's an unbelievably colorful place, and it doesn't just lack knights on horseback; the sunlight makes it even more magical. Even in the gloom, it feels like a fairy tale.

Tips: I'm really glad we decided to travel to Portugal in January. The weather for strolls in the sweater is comfortable, and there are fewer tourists around 👌. »
« January in Lisbon 😊
Oh my 😍😍, it was sunny today, but there’s a chilly vibe that makes it feel like... very cold. There’s a strong wind. Personally, I felt quite frozen today, and it was +12, but really it felt more like +5 at most. That’s how it is... Still, it’s beautiful, green, and there are even flowers blooming 🌼. »
« Today it rained all day. Non-stop. It was one of those light drizzles, or maybe a downpour. I got soaked while running a couple of errands... just drenched. And regardless of the weather, the day was still great. 😊 »
« Astronomic winter has arrived, and the weather in Lisbon at the moment is delightful: today it's up to +63°F, clear and sunny ☀️. »
« Doubtful sunny Portugal, but it's okay, we're expecting sunshine tomorrow!! Come on Portugal, delight us with the heat!! 😎☀️ »
« Despite the chilly, rainy weather, the line at the Belem Tower was quite long, so we decided to admire it from the outside. »
« Lisbon greeted us with winds and a temperature of 68 degrees Fahrenheit. In the end, Petya came down with a fever, and now I wander alone. What a vacation! 🌬️😅 »
« Good morning, everyone! 😊
The sun is shining bright here, and a slightly salty breeze adds a touch of freshness to the city on the edge of Europe!
How's the weather treating you today? 🌞 »
« A strong and cold wind is blowing from the Atlantic. Brrr. Tomorrow we have another day exploring Lisbon before heading back home. »

Learn About Lisbon’s Weather and Seasons: When to Visit, High and Low Season, and the Best Time to Go.