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Seasons and Weather in Zurich

Zurich Weather by Month

Monthly average weather statistics directly from scientific weather stations

Pink LineDaytime Average Temperature

Blue LineNighttime Average Temperature

Average temperature is for reference, actual temperature at a specific hour may vary significantly from the average, both higher and lower

Detailed Monthly Weather Overview

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Weather Reviews from Social Media

All photos and texts belong to their authors
« So, this is how we met in Zurich. Not the best weather for discovering Switzerland, right? 😒 But what can you do? You wanted a winter wonderland, huh? In January? The snowy mountain peaks just aren’t showing up! Instead, heavy rain is drenching you! Strong winds sweeping everything along their path! You’ve got a whole day for a stroll around the city? Well, that's how it is. It's still enchanting. 😍 Little streets, colorful houses. Just like I love. And even against the grey backdrop, it doesn't take away the charm. It feels romantic... and magical. True, it can be a bit gloomy sometimes, but that adds character. Instead of 10 hours on the slopes, you’re lucky if you get a bright hour or two. 🙈 You have to make the most of it. The sights are incredibly beautiful and you might not see so many people (especially tourists) around so early... the city is just waking up... and it has its own special charm. But that’s a completely different story. 😉

Photos from 03.01.2018 🇨🇭

Bigger photos from our “great adventure” 📸
All travels 📷😎❤️‍🌈 »
« Zurich greeted us with a cold wind, a flock of hungry birds, and a festive holiday spirit! »
« Cold, but beautiful. We covered all the pretty little streets in two hours. 😊 »
« Even with the rain and strong wind, may the evening be kind and cozy. ✨ »
« So lucky with the weather — warm and sunny. That explains the crowds around, there are no free spots on the promenade :-) »
« Here's a sunny Zurich. Feels like spring is just around the corner. It's 65°F outside, people are strolling in flip-flops and t-shirts. Meanwhile, some are in fur coats and UGGs. It's such a quirky mix all year round! ☀️👟🧥 »
« It's so beautiful and warm here right now that I'm in shock. »
« In Zurich, it was 13 degrees in the morning... Oh, it's so cold! 🥶 »
« Last year, Zurich greeted us with rain and chilly weather, but this year it went overboard and turned up the heat to 30 degrees. ☀️ »
« Goodbye, Zurich! Thank you for the lovely weather for walks and your hospitality. It was an interesting experience! »
« Winter in Zurich feels like autumn in some regions. Just with a hint of spring... »

Learn About Zurich’s Weather and Seasons: When to Visit, High and Low Season, and the Best Time to Go.