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Seasons and Weather in Boston

Boston Weather by Month

Monthly average weather statistics directly from scientific weather stations

Pink LineDaytime Average Temperature

Blue LineNighttime Average Temperature

Average temperature is for reference, actual temperature at a specific hour may vary significantly from the average, both higher and lower

Detailed Monthly Weather Overview

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Weather Reviews from Social Media

All photos and texts belong to their authors
« Another April joke. And no one will believe it's already April fourth. »
« Today the sun is shining brightly. It's April 5th, and spring is just around the corner! :-))) »
« In Boston, after visiting the aquarium. Right now it's pouring outside, the sky is gray, and I feel sleepy. »
« After such Boston cold, I’m ready to climb a palm tree in Los Angeles and kiss each of its branches. »
« Boston dazzles with autumn colors, a sky of familiar hue, wildlife of outrageous sizes, and occasional drizzles ☔️. »
« Boston sent me off with quite chilly and foggy weather. But I managed to fall in love with this city, to get attached to it. »
« Warm water, pleasant weather, cool people, sunset... what could be better? 🌅✨ »
« Finally in America, the weather greeted me with rain and cold. »

Learn About Boston’s Weather and Seasons: When to Visit, High and Low Season, and the Best Time to Go.