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Seasons and Weather in Salzburg

Salzburg Weather by Month

Monthly average weather statistics directly from scientific weather stations

Pink LineDaytime Average Temperature

Blue LineNighttime Average Temperature

Average temperature is for reference, actual temperature at a specific hour may vary significantly from the average, both higher and lower

Detailed Monthly Weather Overview

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Weather Reviews from Social Media

All photos and texts belong to their authors
« We recently got hit with a snowstorm and some freezing temperatures. But today is much better, it’s just -1°C. Surprisingly, the snow and cold haven't slowed us down at all! ☃️❄️ »
« Here it is - December in Salzburg. The temperature is around 50°F, a puffer jacket is definitely unnecessary :) »
« So, about Salzburg. For many years we've been driving past it, but this time we decided to stop by. It feels a bit inconvenient. After all, Mozart is our favorite composer. We arrived to a scorching 90°F. Again, I just don't like touristy cities. Once is enough for me. I didn't fall in love with it; the hero isn’t from my story. I was definitely impressed by the market. There's so much magical and tasty stuff there. Horses doing their business in the streets, and in the house where Mozart was born, there's a gourmet shop on the first floor. »
« The first city in Austria was Salzburg. We spent 2 days there and I fell in love with this city. It truly deserves attention; there are so many sights to see. However, it was an absolute heatwave during our entire stay, reaching about 102°F (39°C). This made moving around quite a challenge. We couldn't see everything, but we covered most of the main attractions. »
« When it starts to rain with snow in Salzburg, they pull out their felt umbrellas, or umbrellas with pictures of clear skies, or just with pictures. »
« The sun, the wind, and a light snow... what a whimsical weather day today! »
« From Innsbruck, we headed to Vienna, making a stop in Salzburg along the way. It was November 20th, and after a snowstorm at Zugspitze, the warming sun, clear skies, and blooming violets on the perfect green lawn in Mirabell Garden felt almost unreal. »
« Miron said we're not going outside today, but instead we'll watch cartoons and play with toys. I couldn't be happier, what’s there to do with the sun switched off?

In the photo is a fantastic structure, a modern interpretation of a gazebo, related to the Museum of Modern Art in Salzburg. When I took this shot, a heavy snowfall started. It was such a mesmerizing sight - through the window on the roof, huge snowflakes were slowly falling, filling the beam of light from the ceiling to the floor, like a magical passage to another dimension. You can't see the wonderful snow column in the photo, but it's definitely there. »
« No filters needed here!!!!! How I adore snow, winter, freshness, frost, and sunshine!!!!! My mood always gets lifted!!!! »
« Salzburg was delightful, even though it was January. The temperature was above freezing, with hardly any wind, and by the afternoon, the sun actually came out. The combination of green lawns and friendly passersby created a rather spring-like atmosphere. We even hiked up a mountain! 🌄😊 »

Learn About Salzburg’s Weather and Seasons: When to Visit, High and Low Season, and the Best Time to Go.